COVID-19 test under control with WarmMark temperature indicators!

In this period of great emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19, screening on potentially contaminated patients is extremely important. The presence of the virus in a patient is diagnosed through test swabs, and the reliability of the test is very important both for doctors, who must have certainty of the effectiveness, and for individuals  who must have confidence in the result in order to comply scrupulously to the directives in case of positive outcome. Being sure of having a correct data is therefore fundamental as the "false negatives" could have dangerous implications to further spread of the virus itself.

For a correct diagnosis, however, the specimen must be checked and protected during transport to the labs responsible for testing. During this step the test kits must be kept at a controlled temperature, between 2 and 8 ° C, or frozen at a temperature of -20 ° C, to guarantee the correct conservation of the samples and therefore the reliability of the result.

Propagroup offers the recommended WarmMark indicators, ideally suited for monitoring the temperature of samples during their storage and shipment.

For more information on WarmMark click here.

Our technical service is at your disposal for further information: 


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