Discover our new corporate video

We are experiencing a particularly intense period of rapid and continuous changes across all fields, and, therefore, believe it is crucial to adapt quickly to the emerging developments and keep up with the times. For this reason, after coming up with a new, modern Propagroup logo, we felt that it was time to communicate to the world who we are today, after more than 50 years of corporate history.

Thanks to the fruitful collaboration with the graphics agency we have worked with for many years now, the new video shows, with great enthusiasm and energy, the infinity of solutions we come up with every day to meet all of our customers’ needs.

We wanted to be in the video, because the company owes its success to people, that is all of us working hard to bring the very best products and support to our customers every single day.  

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Itene 2024

ITENE Valencia 2024

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