More control over refrigerated transport - the role of temperature indicators

Just recently, there have been many more newspaper stories of police checks on refrigerated transports. Indeed, vans and trucks are increasingly stopped to check the documentation of the transported goods, driver rest times and the condition of food products requiring controlled temperatures. Considering the climate of the summer season we are experiencing, it is essential that such checks are carried out in order to guarantee to end-consumers that the cold supply chain is uninterrupted and the integrity of the food is maintained. 

To ensure that such perishable foods are always transported at the right temperature, Propagroup proposes the use of temperature indicators, which can be used to monitor the entire transported load, indicating when any part of it is below the required temperature.

The use of temperature indicators is a great benefit for the producer, the transporter and end-consumers, since:

  • The producer can guarantee the freshness of their food all the way to the consumer’s table, and therefore make significant savings in terms of non-perished food. For example, it can often happen that one of a refrigerated truck’s sensors is broken. Since it is impossible to know how much of the goods around the sensor may have been damaged by the wrong temperature conditions, all the goods in the vicinity will have to be discarded. With the use of temperature indicators, it is possible to identify the individual boxes of goods that may have been damaged and only discard these, thus saving the rest of the load.
  • The transporter can prove that the load has been transported correctly at the right temperature indicated by the producer.
  • End-consumers are guaranteed fresh produce that has been well-preserved throughout the entire supply and delivery chain. 

The use of temperature indicators is therefore extremely advantageous for all and guarantees greater safety in the fresh food we consume. 

For more information on Propagroup’s temperature indicators, click here



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