Now you can save and help the environment with Propatech VCI anti corrosion films

Saving and helping the environment is also possible with Propatech VCI anti corrosion films. The cost of disposing plastic packaging is constantly increasing and businesses are having to bear this cost by increasing their own expenses. Thanks to our research laboratories, we are now able to offer our customers a range of technological and innovative plastics that guarantee excelletnt mechanical resistance by reducing thickness and consequently the amount of plastic to be disposed of, with a significant reduction in costs, making Propatech VCI environmentally friendly.

Propagroup has always been attentive to its customers’ needs as well as respecting the world in which we live in. We are therefore proud to offer products that are technologically advanced, designed to guarantee the best results both in terms of performance and technical characteristics.

Our technical service will outline all the other advantages of using Propatech VCI films - contact us at


Itene 2024

ITENE Valencia 2024

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