European FlexPol M-18 Project Meeting at Propagroup

At its headquarters in Rivoli, Propagroup had the honour of hosting members of the FlexPol consortium, of which it is a member. The FlexPol M-18 Project Meeting was held in order to check the progress of the project, funded by the European Community, for the development of an antimicrobial adhesive film designed to minimize the transmission of bacteria within hospital facilities. The goal is to develop the film so that it can be applied to surfaces coming into contact with people, in order to limit as far as possible the contamination of environments and consequent spread of microbes in hospitals and hospital facilities. Propagroup is participating in the FlexPol project by offering its 50-year experience in the field of plastic films and dedicating its internal production to support the consortium in the formulation and design of the material to be used.

In the hope that this important project will help ensure greater protection of the health of patients, doctors and visitors, we thank all the members of the consortium for their lively participation throughout the meeting.


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