Propagroup was one of the first companies to be certified to standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for design and production of materials, devices and accessories for protection of goods to prevent damages during transport and storage.

Propagroup has specialized in design, production and distribution of packing products and systems and it has been working in the market for more than fifty years.
Propagroup started off business in the distribution of traditional packing products and has continued to evolve since then. Treasuring the experience built up in this field, Propagroup has continued specializing in the field of safety packing, which is suitable for protection of every kind of product under the severest transport and storage conditions.

Propagroup products and systems are designed and produced in close partnership with Customers to deliver custom-made solutions for preventing all types of damage which, if not considered, could reduce or destroy the value of the finished product, nullifying the efforts made to achieve the high quality standards required by the market.

The complete satisfaction of innumerable domestic and international companies, who choose Propagroup every time they ship their products worldwide, is not only a reason of pride, but also is a strong incitement to constantly increase the quality of the products, accessories and services offered.

In this perspective Propagroup has selected a range of products which, together with those produced internally, allow to offer a complete, comprehensive service and the most effective and advanced solutions for all packing and shipping problems: a reliable partner committed to customer satisfaction.

Propagroup S.p.A.
Via Genova, 5/B - 10098 Rivoli (Turin) - Italy
Tel +39 011 9507788 - Fax +39 011 9507808 
VAT IT 03795670011

Propagroup S.a.r.l.
4, rue de la Doua - 69100 Villeurbanne - France
Tel  +33 (0)4 72 78 45 94 - Fax +33 (0)4 78 74 40 74
VAT FR 81514002732


Propagroup is among the ten most successful small and medium-sized enterprises selected by the bank Intesa Sanpaolo. is a project, now in its now fourth consecutive year, through which the bank Intesa Sanpaolo promotes small and medium-sized enterprises that are examples of excellence capable of reacting successfully to the continually changing context of recent years.